Rainbow paint
Bio photo of Holly (and her cat, Jack)

About EDC for All

My name is Holly… That’s me in the photo with one of our cats. His name is Jack and if we ever start a band, you can bet that will be our album cover!

I got into EDC (everyday carry) when I was about 17 or 18 years old, and I didn't even know it at the time. I was in a luggage store at the local mall looking at backpacks and I noticed a display of small pocket knives on the counter near the register. I thought they looked really cool, seemed like they had really handy features, and at around $20 it wasn't a huge cost for a high school student. Enter the Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Knife into my life and I've carried one ever since! I've always been interested in different gadgets and gear to make my daily life better so I figured at this point maybe it was time to document some if it with the hope that it might help someone else out. I believe in EDC for All!

I tend to lean towards the practical side of EDC, and I think that comes through in the things that I buy and write about. I really believe in the “for All” part of EDC for All. Maybe not everyone is into knives and multi-tools, but everyone has EDC stuff even if they don’t know it! That wallet, keys, and cell phone that you grab on the way out of the house each day… EDC! Maybe you carry more, maybe you carry less… But you carry something that helps you get through the day. EDC doesn’t care about gender, age, or any other thing you can think of. You should like what you like and find the things useful that you find useful. Don’t get caught up in what you’re “supposed” to be into. The beauty of picking what you carry is that it’s what works for you. And don’t be afraid to change it up! You never know when you’ll come across something new that can make your EDC even better!

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  • Check out my Blog for gear reviews and links to purchase items I like.

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