The BB Case from Arc Company
The BB Case from Arc Company
I like to carry a Gerber Gear Dime and a Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Knife in my pocket as part of my standard EDC. They are small tools but have enough features to take care of a lot of basic day to day tasks. When carrying them both in the same pocket (as I do) they tend to fall to the bottom of your pocket in a lump.
I saw an Arc Company post on Instagram one day about The BB Case and it was being shown with some small EDC tools in it. I messaged the company privately and asked if they knew if the two tools that I mentioned above would fit in The BB Case. He promptly messaged back with a photo showing me that they did!
The BB Case from Arc Company with a Gerber Gear Dime and Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Knife
So now I keep them in The BB Case in my pocket. This helps keep them standing up in my pocket and they sit more comfortably instead of bunching up at the bottom of the pocket. It’s a small thing but very nice! It also makes it more convenient to just take the case out of my pocket with both tools ready to go.
Arc Company products are great! Very well made and sturdy. I highly recommend that you check out their site to see if there are cases that would interest you. And be sure to follow them on social media for great videos and photos showing the cases in action. It’s very helpful to see them in real world situations with EDC gear in them.
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