Why start EDC for All?

Rainbow paint

EDC stands for everyday carry. For many people that’s things like pocket knives, flashlights, and other small utilitarian items. But EDC can come in many forms. You might not think you have an EDC, but I bet you do! What do you not leave the house without? It could be something so simple as your smartwatch, cell phone, keys, sunglasses, a notebook, and a pen. THAT’S your EDC. The things you can’t imagine not having with you throughout the day.

EDC can be what goes in your pocket, sling bag, backpack, purse… Whatever you use to keep track of your stuff when you’re out and about. It can be a lot of things at once or just a few things. It can vary depending on what you’re going out to do. For some people their work life EDC is different from their personal life EDC. What they carry changes depending on what they are doing. And for many people the gear evolves over time. You might upgrade something, add something, remove something… It can be always changing!

I wanted to start EDC for All after I found myself watching more and more videos and reading more and more blogs on the topic of EDC. There’s no shortage of people out there doing this, but I felt maybe I had a different perspective than some of the others. I’m not so much into collecting particular kinds of gear but more interested in the practicality behind my purchases. I tend to be a very practical person! I just want to report on the things I find useful in my day-to-day life in the hopes of that information helping out others.


The pocket knife that started it all!